Thursday, September 13, 2007

You Have to Save Yourself

Oneself, indeed, is one’s saviour, for what other saviour would there be? With oneself well controlled the problem of looking for an external saviour is solved.



Eating meat does not necessarily mean that one approves of the killing of animals. Suffering (dukkha) is a fact of life, and as living beings strive to survive, those that succeed inevitably do so at the expense of other living beings. Eating vegetarian food still indirectly involves the killing of kangaroos and rabbits, squirrels and monkeys, insects and snails, and other ‘pests’ — should the whole world become vegetarians, animals would probably still be killed as they would multiply in such great numbers and so quickly as to be a threat to human survival (e.g. in Malaysia, dogs on the streets without licence are disposed of).

Buddhism About God

Question: But so many people believe in some form of god, it must be true.

Not so, there was time when everyone believe that the world is flat, but they were all wrong. The number of people who believe in an idea is no measure of the truth or falsehood of that idea. The only we can tell whether an idea is true or not is by looking at facts and examinng the evidence.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Afraid of death

We are also not afraid to die when we keep the precepts and do good. If we have very good kamma, we have the confidence that the good kamma will support us when we die. We know that when we close our eyes and pass away, we will be going to a good place. Whereas, people who have done a lot of evil are afraid of dying when their time comes. They are very scared and dare not close their eyes. Some of them do not even dare to switch off the lights at night, and some are even terrified.

Friday, September 7, 2007


There is one morning, I read a Buddhism book title "Only We Can Help Ourselves", this book gives me a whole new perspective on the way we look at things and our surroundings, I extracted some the contents from the book for you all to think about it.

Sometimes we see certain people whom you consider as evil, rough, stingy, and offensive, but they are having a luxurious life. This is sometimes due to their good kamma from past life supporting them, and they are now creating a lot of bad kamma which has not ripened yet. This could be due to the fact that people can change. For example, when a man is poor he is humble, industrious, faithful to his wife, frugal, etc. When he becomes rich after several years, he may become arrogant, vain, womanize, drink, gamble, etc.-a completely different personality. Similarly, a good person in a previous life, when reborn under favourable conditions, might become corrupted by his good fortune. Because of this we find it hard to see fairness in this world. We see that good people are not the ones who are happy, but many evil people are happy.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Buddhism - What is Karma?

Well karma in simple term is actually "Cause and Effect" is like when you do good to others, in return you will get